24 Years of Planting Change

Schools Not Prisons & BMOC

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A successful youth-grassroots driven campaign to transform school discipline practices, transform justice systems, and center Boys & Young Men of Color.

#SchoolsNotPrisons partners helped transform the public narrative surrounding harsh school discipline by calling attention to systemic challenges and potential solutions, championing non-violence and youth activism and urging families to join the movement.

BHC partners advocated for more equitable funding of California’s schools through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) policy, which resulted in much-needed increased per-pupil spending and lower teacher-to-student ratios. Moreover, partners played an important role in implementing the policy to ensure that new dollars directly benefited students and families most-in-need. BHC led a powerful campaign to improve school climate, change the public narrative and raise awareness surrounding the “school-to-prison pipeline” and end harsh and overly punitive school discipline policies.

Alternatives such as restorative justice, healing, and other trauma-informed practices encompass a growing social movement to institutionalize non-punitive, relationship-centered approaches for avoiding and addressing harm, responding to violations of legal and human rights, and collaboratively solving problems.

When used in schools to address the root causes of harmful behavior, these approaches help find solutions that make it right for all parties involved without the student losing class time.

The work yielded a 50% decrease in suspensions statewide, contributing to more in-class time for teaching and learning. This school climate effort may have also contributed to an improvement in school graduation rates.

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  • Millions

    of people reached through the campaign since 2016
  • Hundreds

    of artists connected with grassroots, youth-serving orgs
  • 100,000+

    attended 30+ free arts & music festivals
  • 50%

    Decrease in Suspensions Statewide

“We’ve seen what happens when young people have a chance to heal from trauma, to lead, and to create a vision for the kind of world they, and we, all want to live in.”

DR. ROBERT K. ROSS President & CEO, The California Endowment

Browse Other Changes Planted by Dr. Ross

Building Healthy Communities $1B invested over 10 years

Health4All 38.6 million lives impacted

Youth Awards 37 total awards given

Farmworker Health $50M initiative

TCE Grant Making 2023 $381M awarded

Parks for All Hundreds of millions leveraged for parks investments in CA

Youth on the Board 1st of large foundations in US to have youth on the board

Childhood Obesity & Freshworks $272M to expand access to fresh and healthy foods in low-income communities

CHIS 20,000 households interviewed annually to find health gaps in CA

Kids Health Coverage Campaign $4M to help enroll children in health programs

Cultural Competency/Health Workforce/PRIME $78.2M to CA organizations working to boost the size and diversity of the state's healthcare workforce

TCE Headquarters 125,000+ use our facilities every year

View All

Wishing Wall

Dr. Ross,
Best wishes on your journey. Thank you for everything!

Dr. Ross,
The seeds you planted will bloom for generations to come!

Thank you for all that you’ve done! Please enjoy your retirement. You deserve it!
- Martha Dina Arguello & PSR-LA

It’s been a blessing to us and the movement to have you. Wishing you lots of love in your next chapter.

Dear Dr. Ross,
We wish you the best in retirement although we know you will stay busy take time to enjoy family.
- From the Avilas

Dear Bob,
Thank you for your incredible and bold leadership for equity and justice! It has catalyzed so much and the ripple effects will be felt for longer than you can imagine. Thanks also for being a personal inspiration to me and our organization’s work. We’ll all try to carry on the pathway you forged. Best wishes in all your next endeavors.
- Alex Rossides

My friend -
Thank you for always believing in the work. I hope you get some time to rest and find new horizons (and no stalkers).
With love

Wishing you well in all things, Bob. Preach on!
- John F.

Dr. Ross!
You are fantastic!

Thank you for all the great work bringing health and wellness to California.
- Alan Pullman

May your love, kindness and humor grow in retirement.
Love you,
- Steve & Victoria

We wish you well wishes.
- Brotherhood Crusade

Bob -
We’ll miss you so much. You’ve been a force of nature and a force of beauty.
Love you,
- Jim Mangia

You are a big inspiration for this world! Thank you!

You are an inspiration! Thank you for everything.
- Ted

Sending love and thanks to you - a role model for the good.
- Robin

I wish that you receive as much as you’ve provided to so many.
Much love,
- Steve Delgado

Thank you for all your work!
- Olga (FBHC)

Dearest Dr. Ross,
May you be happy in the next phase of your life.
- Susan

A tu salud! Con cariño y respeto.

Unveiling Our
2024 Annual

The California Endowment is proud to present our 2024 annual report. Read about the work we are supporting and our partners who are changing California to a state of belonging and inclusion.

View Report