We Belong in California

Building a California for All requires not only a shift in power, but a shift to a more inclusive culture.

A culture where all people — no matter their origin and orientation, background or belief — can be seen, heard, and affirmed for who they are. And ultimately find their state of belonging.

Belonging Takes All of Us

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There is immense power in belonging.

It’s a universal need of every human in order to feel safe to express who they are, exercise agency, and in turn build a healthier, more just world.

Share your own story of belonging

By listening to, collecting, and amplifying stories, we hope to strongly affirm the inherent dignity of those who’ve been othered, challenge those who question that dignity to dig deep and ask why, and remind everyone of our shared humanity.


The matter of Belonging is core to our theory of change as a health equity-minded foundation.

Our Focus Areas

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Health Systems

Health Systems

Learn how we are using the immense power in belonging to help build a healthier, more just California for All.

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Justice Reinvestment

Justice Reinvestment

Re-imagining a criminal justice system that centers on prevention and healing.

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Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

Our communities and neighborhoods thrive when policies advance health and racial equity for all Californians.

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Power Infrastructure

Power Infrastructure

Building Power in resilient communities across the state for a stronger California.

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Academic achievement, inclusive learning environments, and health go hand in hand.

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Aligning Our Capital to Invest in Change

Learn how our investments align with our mission and values around the pursuit of health and racial equity as we seek to use people power to lift up communities.

Explore Our Impact Investing
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