For Daniel, drag performance is an artform—one that has allowed them to find their voice and advocate for love, acceptance, and connection in their community.
Influenced by their grandmother’s makeup routines and inspired by pop culture icons like Selena and Britney Spears, Daniel’s drag persona, Lucy Yale, is the embodiment of personal empowerment and joy. Through performance Lucy aims to entertain and uplift audiences by creating a welcoming space that emphasizes the historical and cultural significance of drag queens as intellectuals in the queer community, while at the same time combating negative stereotypes and misconceptions. Additionally, their involvement in local community outreach events aims to introduce drag culture to younger audiences in an effort to promote open dialogue and encourage widespread acceptance.

Ultimately Daniel believes that every person, no matter their orientation or identity, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. And one of the best ways we can protect the safety and rights of ourselves and others is by engaging in democracy through advocacy and outreach.
When queer individuals and allies actively participate in democracy, it strengthens our social connection and encourages collective action to address broader issues affecting our safety, health, and well-being. Daniel sees this kind of civic engagement as an act of solidarity that promotes representation, increases visibility, and builds belonging for the queer community.
My Vote Creates Change
The matter of Belonging is core to our theory of change as a health equity-minded foundation.
July 13, 2023
Banning Books is Bad for All. Belonging is the Answer

November 22, 2022
Philanthropic Investment in People Power

January 14, 2022
Bob’s Blog: The Matter of Belonging

January 30, 2023
Bob’s Blog: “Mom! Mom!”

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Health Systems
Health Systems
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Inclusive Communities
Our communities and neighborhoods thrive when policies advance health and racial equity for all Californians.
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Power Infrastructure
Building Power in resilient communities across the state for a stronger California.
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Academic achievement, inclusive learning environments, and health go hand in hand.
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