The California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative (CACHI)
A public/private partnership between the state government and private funders. TCE’s investment leveraged nearly two-fold from other private funders, totaling $19M from seven funders. Local communities leveraged their CACHI grants into ~$2M of further investment.
BHC statewide accomplishments2020

Integrated Voter Engagement
California Calls, a TCE grantee and an alliance of 31 CBOs in California, provided targeted interventions through 3-5 week programs during election and non-election seasons to build relationships with voters and create a more informed electorate.
Enabling statewide legislation2020

Integrated Voter Engagement
Million Voters Project, an alliance of 7 community-based networks, created a voter base of 525,000 people.
Enabling statewide legislation2020

BHC youth organizations
171 youth-serving organizations, up from only 10-15 in 2010.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018

Integrated Voter Engagement
Power California contributed to record turnout among 18-24 year-olds between 2014 and 2018 elections—a 3x increase from the previous year—and registered more than 40,000 young voters.
Enabling statewide legislation2018

State Youth Reinvestment Grant Program
In partnership with the CA Assembly Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color, BHC helped establish a $37.3M Youth Reinvestment Grant Program for diversion of youth from prosecution and incarceration, including over $1M for youth diversion in tribal lands. The fund provided grants for local trauma-informed and community-based programs that offered alternatives to arrest, detention, and incarceration.
BHC statewide accomplishments2016

Youth voter turnout increased statewide
Youth voter turnout statewide increased by 28% in 2016 when compared to 2014.
Enabling statewide legislation2016

#EquityAndJustice Legislation for Youth
Ten youth justice policies passed including barring children under 16 from being tried in adult court, children under 11 from being tried in juvenile court, life without parole sentences for youth, and court fees for youth & families.
Enabling statewide legislation2015

New Motor Voter Registration (AB1461)
Provided for the automatic voter registration of motorists who obtain or renew driver's licenses. It is estimated that the bill led to the registration of one million additional voters by the end of November 2018.
BHC statewide accomplishments2015

Some 48,000 residents had been organized across BHC sites
A majority of respondents (52%) reported educating voters and/or working to increase voter turnout at BHC sites.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

My Brother’s Keeper
President Obama launched the My Brother’s Keeper initiative to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

California Funders for Boys and Men of Color
Launched in 2014, the California Funders for Boys and Men of Color (CFBMoC) has convened CEOs from the state’s leading philanthropic institutions to shape a better future for boys and men of color and California. CFBMoC aligns the resources, networks, and voices of California’s foundations—from family and private foundations to corporate and community funders—with the goal of improving opportunities for African American, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander, and Native American boys and young men.
BHC statewide accomplishments2014

Building Healthy Communities youth organizations
Approximately 108 youth organizations in BHC were using trauma-informed practices.
BHC statewide accomplishments2013

The Executives’ Alliance for Boys and Men of Color
Founded in 2013, when a group of foundation program officers and consultants who had successfully moved investments to support boys and men of color urged foundation executives to consider the unique role they could play in helping grow this work.
BHC statewide accomplishments2013

Enrollment Assistance Grants (AB 82)
Required the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to accept grants from The California Endowment for Medi-Cal Enrollment Assistance ($14M) and Medi-Cal Outreach and Enrollment Grants to Community-Based Organizations ($12.5M), and to obtain $26.5M in matching federal funds.
Enabling statewide legislation2010

Student Bill of Rights (ACR 30)
Recognized the importance of engaging youth to influence decisions that affect their quality of life and well-being, and established a student youth bill of rights to serve as a framework to guide and inform youth on organizing and advocating on policy issues.
Enabling statewide legislation2020

$300M in state budget for health workforce
BHC provided seed capital to a state-administered program to create a more diverse and culturally competent health workforce through investments in health career pathways, health career ladders, and financial support for health professionals in underserved regions. The 2019-20 state budget included $300M to bolster the health workforce pipeline.
BHC statewide accomplishments2019

Youth Coverage and Access (SB 104)
Full-scope coverage for all young adults 25 and under.
Enabling statewide legislation2019

Path to Health pilot program
The CMSP board started a pilot project, Path to Health, for the years 2019-2021 that enrolled up to 25,000 undocumented residents within 35 designated California counties who were 21-64 years old and enrolled in restricted scope/emergency only Medi-Cal but lacked coverage for preventative health services.
Enabling statewide legislation2017

Medi-Cal Enrollment – ACA Efforts
By the end of 2017, TCE investments and collective efforts saw 13.3M people enrolled in Medi-Cal.
BHC statewide accomplishments2016

Health Profession Education Grants and Loans (SB 1139)
Provided grants and scholarships from the Health Professions Education Foundation to undocumented students seeking a health profession.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Health Care Coverage through Covered CA for undocumented (SB 10)
Legislation passed permitting California to seek a federal waiver to allow undocumented Californians to puchase health insurance through the Covered California marketplace.
BHC statewide accomplishments2016

Enrollment Assistance (AB 2308)
Required CSU and community colleges to screen every student for health insurance coverage and provide enrollment assistance through partnerships with local organizations.
Enabling statewide legislation2015

Federal Dollars Leveraged
Expanded Medi-Cal enrollment resulted in an additional ~$32.4 billion in federal dollars for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 state budgets combined.
BHC statewide accomplishments2015

Sacramento Republic FC partners with The California Endowment on #Health4All Campaign
Sacramento Republic FC and The California Endowment announced their partnership to promote wellness, including the importance that everyone – regardless of immigration status – has access to quality, affordable health coverage.
BHC statewide accomplishments2015

Health Coverage for Undocumented Children (SB 4)
Made undocumented children under the age of 19 eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits, and that children enrolled in restricted scope Medi-Cal at that time be enrolled in full-scope Medi-Cal.
BHC statewide accomplishments2015

Coverage for undocumented youth
Under SB 75, full-scope coverage for all youth included coverage for undocumented children.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
Professional licenses for undocumented Californians (SB 1159)
Prohibited licensing boards from denying licensure to an application based on citizenship or immigration status, thereby allowing undocumented Californians to practice medicine and acquire other professional licenses.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Certified Nursing Assistants (SB 1384)
Expanded opportunities for qualified, rehabilitated individuals with a prior conviction to become a certified nurse assistant.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
Grey’s Anatomy episode highlights undocumented people
The show Grey’s Anatomy airs an episode using the narrative power of story-telling to communicate the essence of people's real-life stories, told to the show's writers by local undocumented residents and partners.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
#Health4All display at the State Capitol
Billboards of undocumeted youth locked out of health care access line up the State Capitol Rotunda.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Medi-Cal Renewal Grants (SB 18)
Required the State Department of Health Care Services to accept contributions by private foundations of at least $6M for the purpose of providing Medi-Cal renewal assistance payments, and appropriated $6M from the Healthcare Outreach and Medi-Cal Enrollment Account, to be available for expenditure until December 31, 2016. Required the department to seek federal matching funds for the contributions to the extent permissible for training, testing, certifying, supporting and compensating persons and entities providing renewal assistance and for any other permissible renewal assistance related activities and to seek all necessary federal approvals for purposes of obtaining federal funding.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Open Enrollment (SB 20)
Revised the open enrollment dates for the individual market to conform to current federal guidance, which was from November 15 - February 15.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Standardizing Enrollment Assistance (AB 2706)
Required the California Department of Education to develop a standardized template that provided parents and guardians with information on affordable health coverage options and in-person enrollment assistance.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Launch of #Health4All campaign
The California Endowment launched a public education campaign to inform Californians about the economic and social contributions of undocumented Californians and promote access to affordable, quality health care for everyone.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Medi-Cal/Exchange and Cal Fresh Applications (AB 191)
Provided families information about Medi-Cal and the Exchange when they applied for CalFRESH so that they could receive information about both health and human services programs.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Enrollment Assistance Grants (AB 82)
Required the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to accept grants from The California Endowment for Medi-Cal Enrollment Assistance ($14M) and Medi-Cal Outreach and Enrollment Grants to Community-Based Organizations ($12.5M), and to obtain $26.5M in matching federal funds.
Enabling statewide legislation2013
Launch of Asegúrate Campaign
In partnership with Covered California and Spanish-media partners Univision, Telemundo and impreMedia, The California Endowment was joined by President Obama to launch a historic campaign that helped reach the state's 15M Latinos. The campaign, Asegúrate ("Get Covered"), educated California Latinos about what Obamacare means and helped them navigate through new enrollment opportunities and systems. The President recognized this innovative education and enrollment effort as a model for other states.
BHC statewide accomplishments2011

Office of Health Consumer Assistance (AB 922)
Created an Office of Health Consumer Assistance (replacing the Office of Patient Advocate) responsible for providing outreach and education about health coverage to consumers. Authorized contracting with community organizations to provide consumer assistance.
Enabling statewide legislation2011

Streamlining Enrollment (AB 1296)
Required the California Health and Human Services Agency to establish a standardized single application form and related renewal procedures for Medi-Cal, the Healthy Families Program, the Exchange, and county programs.
Enabling statewide legislation2010

Established CA Health Benefits Exchange (AB 1602)
Specified the operations of the California Health Benefit Exchange (aka Covered California) which would be an independent state agency tasked with negotiating for the best prices and values for consumers and providing information regarding health benefit products.
Enabling statewide legislation2019

50% decrease in suspension rates statewide
BHC also contributed to a 50% decrease in suspension rates from 709,000 in 2011-2012 to 345,000 in 2018-2019.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) funds
Departments of Education in Orange and Butte counties, along with UCLA’s Center for the Transformation of Schools, announced a $15M state-funded pilot program to develop a training curriculum based on multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) for statewide implementation. The program emphasized restorative justice, social-emotional learning, and other alternatives that prioritize mediation and building healthy relationships over traditional punishments.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018
$13M for Community Engagement
Governor's Budget allocated 13M for community engagement, this included money for CCEE to develop Professional Learning Networks to improve schools' engagement of parents and students.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018
$15M for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Governor's Budget supported Multi-Tiered Systems of Support—$15M to develop school discipline modules as part of MTSS.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018

$13.3M to CA Collaborative for Educational Equity
Governor’s budget to set aside funds for a new statewide agency that helped districts engage parents and local communities more meaningfully. A main goal of this work was that districts and parents would more effectively co-implement the Local Control Funding Formula, the law that decentralized decision-making around budgeting and academic priorities from the state to school districts themselves.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017

New Commission on Teacher Credentialing standards
CA Teacher Credentialing standards revised to include training in restorative justice and trauma-informed practices.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017

Fair admissions and due process for charter school students (AB 1360)
Clarified law for charter schools on non-discriminatory admissions policies and due process rights of students who are suspended or expelled.
Enabling statewide legislation2017
Pupil discipline mandatory informal conference (AB 667)
Mandated that schools employed alternatives to suspensions and communicated such alternatives to a student during an informal conference upon suspension.
Enabling statewide legislation2017

LCFF implementation
Reallocated $24M in Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) dollars to high-need students.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017

LCFF implementation
Reallocated $150M in Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) dollars to high-need schools.
BHC statewide accomplishments2016

Increased graduation rates
BHC School Districts experienced an 18 percent growth in graduation rates from school years 2009-10 to 2015-16, compared to the state average of 12 percent.
BHC statewide accomplishments2016

Safe Neighborhood Grants (SB 527)
Established the Learning Communities for School Success Program to implement a grant program and set forth criteria to guide the department in making grant awards aimed at improving outcomes for public school pupils by reducing truancy and supporting pupils who are at risk of dropping out of school or are victims of crime.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
New State Board of Education accountability measures
School dashboard included suspensions and chronic absence as a key metric for schools.
BHC statewide accomplishments2016
Funding for alternatives to suspension (Prop 64)
Made marijuana tax revenue available for funding alternatives to suspension.
Enabling statewide legislation2015

Public schools, college and Career Access Pathways partnerships (AB 288)
Established the College and Career Access Pathways Act to better prepare high school students for college and career success.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Pupil instruction, sexual health education (AB 329)
Required school districts to ensure that all pupils in grades 7 to 12 receive comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Involuntary Transfers (SB 1111)
Protected the due process rights of students involuntarily transferred to county community or community day schools.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Eliminated overly punitive truancy policy (AB 2382)
Eliminated the truancy double penalty unfairly applied only to California’s poorest families when a child fails to participate in school regularly.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Student Bill of Rights (ACR 30)
Recognized the importance of engaging youth to influence decisions that affect their quality of life and well-being, and established a student youth bill of rights to serve as a framework to guide and inform California state on organizing and advocating for policy issues.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Campus Safety (AB 549)
Encouraged schools and districts in their campus safety plan to better define the roles of adults on-campus—counselors, police, and administrators.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Continuation Schools procedures for volunatry transfer (AB 570)
Required the governing board of a school district to establish and adopt policies and procedures for the identification, placement, and intake of pupils based on the finding that voluntary placement in continuation school is in the best interest of the pupil. Continuation schools could not be used as alternatives to expulsion.
Enabling statewide legislation2013
Willful Defiance (AB 420)
Made willful defiance a suspendable offense only for 6th-12th grade students on the third offense of the school year. Prohibited expulsion for willful defiance offenses. Two-year Bill: Chaptered 2014.
Enabling statewide legislation2012

Pupil readmission (SB 1088)
Prohibited a school from denying enrollment or readmission to a pupil solely on the basis that the student has had contact with the juvenile justice system.
Enabling statewide legislation2012

Local Control Funding Formula passed (Prop 30)
Directed increased funds to the state’s highest-need districts and students via historic legislation using an equity-based formula. The proposition represented a culmination of over a decade of work by grassroots and professional advocates. BHC helped catalyze this policy change through continued and long-term investment in the capacity building of grassroots and statewide advocacy groups and coalitions.
Enabling statewide legislation2011

Pupil suspension (AB 1729)
Authorized the superintendent of the school district or the principal to use alternatives to suspension or expulsion designed to address and correct the root causes of the pupil's specific misbehavior.
Enabling statewide legislation2020

Prop. 47 Results to date
Implementation led to more than $100M in state funding (to date) for health, education, and re-entry programs; 15,000 fewer people incarcerated in state prisons and county jails; 280,000 people had felony convictions removed from their records. The allocation of more than $2 billion in state funds involved the CA Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC); under pressure from advocates and legislative champions, the BSCC began appointing formerly incarcerated individuals to decision-making committees. Contrary to some assertions, there is no evidence that Prop. 47 led to an increase in violent crime.
Enabling statewide legislation2019

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund (SB 200)
Established a $130M to help local systems provide safe drinking water.
Enabling statewide legislation2019

Mixed results on Keep Families Home bills
This package of bills sought to protect renters across California: Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482) approved: A statewide rent control that barred landlords from hiking rents more than 5% + inflation, in one year. This bill protected renters from egregious and sudden rent increases and required just cause for evictions. AB 36 did not pass: This bill would have reformed statewide restrictions on local rent control. AB 1481 did not pass: This bill would have augmented just cause eviction protections for all renters.
BHC statewide accomplishments2019

State commitment to ending youth incarceration
Governor announced a commitment to ending youth incarceration and removed the Division of Juvenile Justice from the CA Department of Corrections (CDCR).
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Representation in decision-making
Due to pressure from organizers, the California Board of State and Community Corrections, a decision-making body for the state’s adult and juvenile justice system, included five formerly incarcerated members on the Prop. 47 Executive Steering Committee.
BHC statewide accomplishment2018

Transformative Climate Communities implementation
The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) granted $70M to the City of Fresno through the Transformative Climate Communities program to fund affordable housing, a grocery store, parks, trails, electric vehicle charging stations, solar panels, a community college campus in Southwest Fresno, and economic opportunities for the area. The City of Coachella and Riverside County received a $170,000 planning grant award to develop the Eastern Coachella Valley Climate Resilience Action Plan.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018
Funds for infrastructure and environmental protection (Prop 68)
Allocated $4 billion in bond funds to improve state and local parks, environmental protection projects, water infrastructure projects, and flood protection projects. $720M of this was earmarked to create new parks and recreational opportunities in underserved communities across California over the next three years.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Transformative Climate Communities implementation
The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) granted $70M to the City of Fresno through the Transformative Climate Communities program to fund affordable housing, a grocery store, parks, trails, electric vehicle charging stations, solar panels, a community college campus in Southwest Fresno, and economic opportunities for the area. The City of Coachella and Riverside County received a $170,000 planning grant award to develop the Eastern Coachella Valley Climate Resilience Action Plan.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018

Funds for infrastructure and environmental protection (Prop 68)
Allocated $4 billion in bond funds to improve state and local parks, environmental protection projects, water infrastructure projects, and flood protection projects. $720M of those funds were earmarked to create new parks and recreational opportunities in underserved communities across California over the next three years.
Enabling statewide legislation2018

Transformative Climate Communities implementation
The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) granted $70M to the City of Fresno through the Transformative Climate Communities program to fund affordable housing, a grocery store, parks, trails, electric vehicle charging stations, solar panels, a community college campus in Southwest Fresno, and economic opportunities for the area. The City of Coachella and Riverside County received a $170,000 planning grant award to develop the Eastern Coachella Valley Climate Resilience Action Plan.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018

Clean Water and Parks Act (Prop 68)
Allocated $4 billion in bond funds to improve state and local parks, environmental protection projects, water infrastructure projects, and flood protection projects. $720M of those funds were earmarked to create new parks and recreational opportunities in underserved communities across California over the next three years.
Enabling statewide legislation2018

Proposition 10 did not pass in mid-terms
This ballot measure would have expanded rent control in California. Specifically, to allow counties and cities to institute ordinances regulating how much landlords could charge for any type of rental housing. Voters overwhelmingly rejected the measure, 59% to 41%, highlighting ongoing challenges to taking on the real estate lobby, despite strong statewide community organizing. Opponents to the bill argued for the creation of more housing rather than stricter control on existing rents.
Statewide challenges2018

Safe Sidewalk Vending Act (SB 946)
Decriminalized street vending and provided guidelines for jurisdictions to create permit systems. This bill also provided amnesty on current citations and protected vendors with existing tickets. Sidewalk vending is a fundamental source of income for many people—especially, but not limited to, immigrants and the undocumented—throughout the state. This bill took important steps in reducing the criminalization of vulnerable populations and bringing people into the formal economy.
Enabling statewide legislation2018

Unprecendented number of comments on Public Charge
Over 200,000 comments submitted on the issue of Public Charge. On October 10, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a proposed rule that would vastly expand the definition of a public charge, effectively skewing the immigration system in favor of wealthier individuals and against people who may use vital safety net programs. During the 2-month public comment period, over 219,000 comments were submitted. DHS reviewed and considered each comment before the rule expansion could become final.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018
Prohibits state and local agencies to use resources to aid ICE (SB 54)
Senate bill prevented state and local law enforcement agencies from using their resources on behalf of federal immigration enforcement agencies.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Reformed the Department of Consumer Affairs (AB 2138)
Reformed the Department of Consumer Affairs' (DCA) overly restrictive policies that denied qualified formerly incarcerated people occupational licenses governed by DCA boards.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Require review of EMS applicants with records (AB 2293)
Required each Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agency to submit data to the legislature regarding the approval or denial of Emergency Medical Technician licenses, including firefighters, for applicants with previous convictions.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Victim applications cannot be denied for undocumented status or suspected gang affilitation (AB 1639)
Clarified state law and expressly affirmed that applications for a claim could not be denied solely because the victim or derivative victim was undocumented, listed in the CalGang systems, or alleged by local law enforcement to be gang-involved. Tasked the Victims Compensation Board with informing and training local distributors of funds and services of this law, and required every law enforcement agency to register the contact information of their Victims of Crime Liaison Officer.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
$78.5M in Round 2 Prop. 47 funding
Proposition 47 “Round 2” funding shifted $78.5M from the state prison system to community-based organizations focused on mental health, diversion, and other prevention-based supports.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Prohibits juveniles to be tried as adults (SB 1391)
Prevented juveniles from being tried in adult courts.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Jurisdiction of juvenile courts (SB 439)
Banned counties from handling children who were arrested under the age of 12 in the juvenile justice system, forcing them to develop alternatives such as serving them through the dependency court system.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Juvenile proceedings: competency (AB 1214)
Disallowed youth who have been declared mentally unfit by juvenile courts to be kept indefinitely in juvenile halls.
Enabling statewide legislation2018
Youth diversion (AB 2944)
Helped divert youth from the prison system over the long term by giving taxpayers the option to make a voluntary contribution to the Schools Not Prisons Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund, which funded nonprofits that provided academic and career readiness programs.
Enabling statewide legislation2018

Youth Reinvestment Fund
Established in partnership with the CA Assembly Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color. The $37.3M Youth Reinvestment Grant Program allowed for the diversion of youth from prosecution and incarceration, including over $1M for youth diversion in tribal lands. The Fund provided grants for local trauma-informed and community-based programs that provided alternatives to arrest, detention, and incarceration.
BHC statewide accomplishments2018
County Juvenile Facility Standards
Partners, including formerly incarcerated individuals and their families, advocated at the Board of State and Community Corrections to update state regulations that set standards for county juvenile facilities. Changes included increased access to visitation and healthy meals, and expanded protections around the use of restraints. Changes brought about through Prop. 47 implementation—especially inclusion of the formerly incarcerated on BSCC committees—helped pave the way for these regulatory improvements.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017

Southern California school districts win pollution-free, electric buses
Southern California school districts received pollution-free electric buses. The South Coast Air Quality Management District approved $8M to fund 33 new electric school buses, impacting 16 school districts.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017

Air pollution bill (AB 617)
Arguably the most important air pollution law in decades, this policy helped track point-source polluters and required the development of local air pollution management plans with associated grant resources for monitoring and enforcement.
Enabling statewide legislation2017
Proposed gas plant stopped
A Committee of the California Energy Commission issued an unprecedented statement denying the proposed 262-megawatt Puente Power Project in Oxnard because of clean energy’s ability to fulfill the region’s energy needs, and because of environmental concerns. This was a major turning point after a three-year battle by residents, advocates, and the City of Oxnard to defeat fossil fuel giant NRG Energy’s proposed gas plant. The proposed rejection of this gas-fired plant marked a turning point in California’s clean energy revolution and marks a trend in re-evaluating the need for gas plants across the state.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017
Immigration status information protection (AB 699)
Protected the information of undocumented students, and established a model policy for responding to ICE information and/or interview requests of K-12 students.
Enabling statewide legislation2017

Defend DACA Rally in Sacramento
In partnership with CHIRLA, La Familia, Sacramento ACT, TCE provided social media coverage and collateral support for a rally following the announcement of the Administration's repeal of DACA. The event helped show solidarity for vulnerable immigrant communities and brought together key elected officials to offered support for local residents.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017

State pledges $1M to protect immigrants
State Attorney General Becerra pledged $1M to protect immigrants, ensuring humane treatment and access to legal services in detention centers, and preventing such centers from adding beds.
Enabling statewide legislation2017

Ban the Box (AB 1008)
Law banned employers from asking an applicant about criminal history before making a conditional offer of employment.
Enabling statewide legislation2017
CalGang Database Moratorium and Due Process Protections (AB 90)
Addresses accuracy and fairness in information collection and accessing of gang-related allegations through CalGang and other shared gang databases in the state. Brings much-needed transparency and accountability to the use of these gang databases.
Enabling statewide legislation2017
Los Angeles County Probation Reform and Oversight
Statewide reforms passed to reduce the number of youth under probation department control and to make the department more accountable to the community. Specific reforms included a camp consolidation plan to close 6 youth facilities, creation of a Probation Reform and Implementation Team to make recommendations on creating a Probation Oversight Commission, and the shifting of $3.2M from the probation department to grants for community-based organizations.
Enabling statewide legislation2017
CalGang Database Moratorium and Due Process Protections (AB 90)
Addresses accuracy and fairness in information collection and accessing of gang-related allegations through CalGang and other shared gang databases in the state. Brings much-needed transparency and accountability to the use of these gang databases.
Enabling statewide legislation2017
Custodial Interrogations (SB 395)
New protections for youth where minors age 15 or under must consult with an attorney before giving confession to a law enforcement officer in a custodial setting which would be legally admissible in a court of law.
Enabling statewide legislation2017
Ended Juvenile Administrative Fee (SB 190)
Prohibits the assessment and collection of administration fees against families of youth in the juvenile justice system.
Enabling statewide legislation2017

“Imagine Justice” concert
TCE supported Common and other artists in organizing the largest justice-reform event in state history, a Sacramento concert in front of the Capitol that drew 25,000 people. Governor Jerry Brown credited the concert with helping to build momentum for a package of juvenile justice legislation that was signed into law weeks later.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017
#CloseYouthPrisons advocacy
TCE President and CEO, Dr. Robert Ross took a personal leadership role in calling for the closure of youth prisons, including writing op-eds that have appeared in the Sacramento Bee and San Jose Mercury News, as well as providing testimony in support of youth diversion in LA County. TCE produced a youth prisons fact sheet that summarized key data and facts about youth incarceration that has been circulated to policymakers and influencers.
BHC statewide accomplishments2017
Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council
Partners advocated for changes in the composition of the council to ensure community-based representation and oversight of the Committee's Juvenile Justice and Crime Prevention Act funding allocation and spending.
BHC statewide accomplishments2016

Transformative Climate Communities (AB 2722)
Provided state funding for community-led infrastructure projects that achieve environmental, health, and economic benefits in California's most disadvantaged communities.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Transformative Climate Communities (AB 2722)
Provided state funding for community-led infrastructure projects that achieve environmental, health, and economic benefits in California's most disadvantaged communities.
Enabling statewide legislation2016

Transformative Climate Communities (AB 2722)
Provided state funding for community-led infrastructure projects that achieve environmental, health, and economic benefits in California's most disadvantaged communities.
Enabling statewide legislation2016

TRUTH Act (AB 2792)
Required community engagement prior to local law enforcement participation with ICE deportation programs.
Enabling statewide legislation2016

Early Release (Prop. 57)
Provided early release opportunities for state prisoners for nonviolent crimes, and barred county prosecutors from charging youth as adults in criminal court, recognizing that young people are not adults and should not be tried as such. This ballot measure continued the momentum generated by previous reforms, including AB 109 and Prop. 47. Interim results included: 1) Up to 1 million Californians eligible; 2) over 300k petitions for resentencing & reclassification; 3) funds shifted away from the state prison system to community-based organizations (in 2017: $103M; in 2018: $79M).
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Asset forfeiture (SB 443)
Required a criminal conviction prior to seizing property.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Changed deadline for Prop. 47 implementation (AB 2765)
Authorized a person to petition or apply for a reduction of sentence under Prop. 47 before November 4, 2022, or at a later date upon a showing of good cause.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Shared gang databases (AB 2298)
Provided a right to written notice of alleged gang membership, a right to challenge said designation, and required local law enforcement agencies to submit specified data to the Department of Justice.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
$68M in Round 1 Prop. 47 savings directed to prevention
65% of funds were directed to mental health and substance abuse treatment; 25% to schools; 10% to crime victim service. The first grant awards were announced in the Spring of 2017.
Enabling statewide legislation2016

Prohibits trying juveniles as adults (Prop 57)
Removed power from prosecutors to try juveniles as adults, and improved parole chances for nonviolent offenders.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Juvenile solitary confinement (SB 1143)
Strictly limited the use of solitary confinement for juveniles in state and local facilities.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Made crime of prostitution inapplicable to a child under 18 (SB 1322)
Made crimes of soliciting or engaging in any act of prostitution inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age.
Enabling statewide legislation2016
Probation officer requirement (AB 2813)
Required a probation officer, upon delivery of a minor who had been taken into temporary custody and who was a dependent of the juvenile court, to immediately release the minor to the custody of the child welfare services department or the current caregiver/foster parent.
Enabling statewide legislation2016

Ended the criminalization of youth for transit fare evasion (SB 882)
Decriminalized public transit fare evasion for minors by eliminating transit agencies’ ability to cite for this offense under the penal code.
Enabling statewide legislation2016

#EquityAndJustice Legislation for Youth
A package of 10 criminal justice bills included: barring children under 16 from being tried in adult criminal court, barring children under 11 from being tried in juvenile court, ending court administrative fees for youth and their families, and barring sentences of Life without Parole for youth.
Enabling statewide legislation2015

Do the Math Campaign
This public education campaign challenged Californians to consider the state’s spending priorities and whether they help create a healthier society. For example, it posted the question of whether the spending of $62,300 per state prison inmate was an effective and just use of taxpayer dollars.
BHC statewide accomplishments2015

Environmental justice in general plans (SB 1000)
Required the inclusion of environmental justice elements in general plan updates. This was a significant win in that jurisdictions had to articulate the impact that the built environment would have on the health of low-income residents as part of any general plan update.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Funding from Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
The Strategic Growth Council prioritized funding from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) to build affordable housing near transit in low-income communities.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Expungement for minor drug offenses (AB 1352)
Allowed people to expunge minor drug offenses from their records.
Enabling statewide legislation2015

Second Chance Program (AB 1056)
Directed Prop. 47 savings toward programs that addressed the root causes of recidivism among the formally incarcerated—the urgent need for housing, mental health services, and substance abuse disorder treatment.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Supervised population workforce training grant program (AB 1093)
Invested in workforce training grant programs for people returning from prison.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Criminal penalties, nonpayment of fines (AB 1375)
Limited imprisonment time for nonpayment of fines.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Youth offender parole hearings (SB 261)
Improved the parole hearing process for youth.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Court records sealing (SB 504)
Prevented courts from forcing youth to pay the costs of sealing their records.
Enabling statewide legislation2015
Juveniles attorney qualifications (AB 703)
Ensured that appointed attorneys establish and sustain relationships with youth clients.
Enabling statewide legislation2015

Juvenile sentencing (SB 382)
Clarified criteria for prosecuting minors as adults.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (AB 1739, SB 1168, and SB 1319)
Required that critically overdrawn water basins develop plans to curtail the amount of water being removed from the ground and increase recharge. This law had significant implications on access to safe drinking water for many vulnerable communities, particularly in the San Joaquin Central Valley. These sustainable groundwater plans provided a critical opportunity for low-income communities to be involved in decision-making on how water resources could be accessed. These decisions were particularly important in communities dependent on well water.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC)
The AHSC program is established, funded through California’s cap-and-trade program. This created one of California’s largest funding sources for affordable housing. AHSC pairs affordable housing with high-quality transportation investments to foster healthy, well-connected communities.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Funds for unaccompanied minors (AB 1476)
Budget committee appropriated $3M for legal representation of unaccompanied minors.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Proposition 47 passed
This ballot initiative swept in broad justice system reforms, reducing the prison population by reclassifying felonies as misdemeanors and redirecting the cost savings to health, education, and re-entry programs. Hundreds of thousands of people with felony convictions also benefitted from the measure's retroactive provisions. 25% of state-level cost savings went to schools, including funds for alternatives to suspensions.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
California Fair Sentencing Act (SB 1010)
Eliminated unjust sentencing differences between penalties for crack and powder cocaine possession.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
Convictions, Expungement, Licenses (AB 2396)
Allowed eligible people with a court-ordered dismissal of a prior conviction to obtain professional licenses.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
Community Colleges/CTE Courses/ Inmate Education (SB 1391)
Provided educational opportunities and career technical education programs to inmates in an effort to increase job skills and employability upon release from prison.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Victims Compensation Fund (AB 1629)
Supported the physical and emotional recovery for Californians injured by gun or other violence by extending peer counseling services and offering reimbursement through the Victims Compensation Fund.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Grants (SB 1054)
Reduced recidivism among people with mental illness by re-establishing a grant program with evaluation criteria to assess effectiveness.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
Post-release Workforce Training (AB 2060)
Increased public safety and economic opportunity by allocating Recidivism Reduction Fund resources towards workforce training for the reentry population.
Enabling statewide legislation2014
Education Transition from Detention (AB 2276)
Ensured that juvenile justice-involved youth have a successful educational transition when they return to their local schools.
Enabling statewide legislation2014

Youth Offenders Security Placement (AB 1276)
Improved the juvenile justice system by classifying youth in prison as eligible for less dangerous yards with more access to programs and services.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Cal Gang Database (SB 458)
Required law enforcement to notify parents before they placed youth on a statewide gang database, allowing the parents to submit documentation contesting the designation.
Enabling statewide legislation2013
Active Transportation Program (SB 99)
The Active Transportation Program was created to consolidate federal and state programs that promote biking/walking/public transportation, making it easier for low-income communities to apply for resources for capital investments and Safe Routes to Schools Programs.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Federal Immigration Policy (AB 4)
Prohibited law enforcement officials from detaining an individual on a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) hold after that individual became eligible for release from criminal custody, unless certain criteria were met.
Enabling statewide legislation2013
Expungement (AB 651)
Expedited the expungement of records for the realignment population.
Enabling statewide legislation2013
Fairness in Government Hiring (AB 218)
Prohibited a state or local agency from asking an applicant to disclose information regarding a criminal conviction, until after the applicant's qualifications for the position had been determined to meet job requirements.
Enabling statewide legislation2013
Reducing Obstacles to Reentry (AB 720)
Required counties to designate an individual or agency to assist eligible inmates in applying for health insurance affordability programs.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Prison Reform (SB 105)
Provided for statutory changes necessary to implement the Governor's plan for immediate population reductions in California State Correctional facilities, and long-term solutions that were focused on preventing incarceration, while being cost-effective and protecting public safety.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Cal Gang Database (SB 458)
Required law enforcement to notify parents before they placed youth on a statewide gang database, allowing the parents to submit documentation contesting the designation.
Enabling statewide legislation2013
Sentencing (SB 260)
Enabled youth who were transferred to adult court and sentenced to more than 10 years to petition to have their sentence reviewed for possible re-sentencing.
Enabling statewide legislation2013

Criminalization of Youth (HR 23)
Resolved that the Assembly encourage the Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color to continue to advance its legislative agenda to improve the lives of young people of color, including its work to reduce the use of policies and practices that push boys out of school and to instead promote common-sense discipline that keeps pupils in school and on track.
Enabling statewide legislation2012

State Water Policy (AB 685)
The California Legislature declared in the state's official water policy that every person has a right to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water.
Enabling statewide legislation2012

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds for low-income communities (SB535)
Required up to 25% of resources allocated through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to benefit low-income communities. Before SB 535, many groups saw the Cap & Trade funding disproportionately disadvantaging EJ communities. The primary request of the Squad (Greenlining, Public Advocates, APEN, Coalition for Cleaner Air) was to ensure that low-income, frontline communities were the beneficiaries of funding.
Enabling statewide legislation2011

Justice Realignment (AB 109)
Realignment shifted responsibility for non-serious felons and parolee supervision from the state to the county. The bill also mandated that non-serious offenders serve their sentences in county, jails rather than state prisons, helping to bring over $2.2 billion in revenue to counties.
Enabling statewide legislation